Roz's work exquisitely details classic cars, portraying them as objects of beauty and curvaceous femininity. Her lifelong passion for petrol-driven machines, combined with her exceptional creative talent, captures the sensuality and mystique of these traditionally masculine icons. Each painting transcends mere likeness, drawing viewers into the world reflected on the cars' polished surfaces.
Born in Hertfordshire in 1960, Roz studied Graphic Design at Stevenage College before the advent of computers, mastering the art of hand-drawing. After graduating, she moved to London, opened a shop in Kensington Market, and designed bespoke stage clothes for famous clients, including Freddie Mercury and Sigue Sigue Sputnik. Her creations also reached boutiques in New York, Texas, and Hollywood.
Roz lived a rock 'n' roll lifestyle until meeting a man who whisked her away to a boat in Berkshire. There, they ran a sign business until Roz returned to painting, honing her skills in photorealism. Initially focusing on portraits and landscapes, she eventually gravitated towards her true passion: cars and bikes. Roz has won numerous prizes, with a personal highlight being Eric Clapton signing a portrait she painted for London’s Hard Rock Café.
Now residing on a farm in the Surrey hills, Roz enjoys walking her dog when she's not painting. Over the years, she has owned many classic and collectible cars, including Jaguars, Chryslers, and a Chevrolet. However, her beloved Rusty Harley, a fixture in her life for over 20 years, remains her constant companion.